The Roundtable is back with Episode 11, once again discussing the news this week in self-publishing, and how that news affects you, the indie author.
Our new format also seems to be working, at one point 27 live viewers joined us for the live broadcast. The comments this week smashed our record, with over 200 during the live show!
We had a lot to get through this week. If you want to read the stories for yourselves, the links follow.
News Discussed:
Story Nexus – A choose your adventure self publishing fiction/game platform. Ability to earn royalties at 60% to the author.
Social Fiction – An author and an illustration, with social media ties are building a ‘Social Fiction’ narrative with characters on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, telling the story. They have a Kickstarter to raise funds.
Barnes & Noble Executive Sells Out – The Chief Executive of Retail at B&N sold 2/3 of his shares in the book chain. End of days coming?
David Gaughran Compares Smashwords to Draft2Digital – Interesting article as always by David. Makes some interesting points and well worth a read.
Author Co-Op Group – An article on the Book View Cafe, a group of 40+ authors that share amongst themselves, pooling resources to publish their books. We say this is the future for self publishing. Do you agree?
War: Self Pub v Trad – An article on the ongoing ‘war’ between indies and trad publishers, at least so they keep telling us.
Joanna Penn: On Marketing – Another interesting article from Joanna on indie marketing. Wade chimed in with some interesting discussion.
Novella’s Making a Comeback – Interesting article that brought great discussion. Novella as a format is making a comeback. Indies love em. Readers do too. I can only see the format rising further.
Amazon Goes Mexican! – Amazon announced a new Kindle Store in Spanish! Good news for our friends south of the border.
Kobo Reveals Three New Tablets – Kobo has joined the tablet market. Perhaps in direct competition with the Kindle Fires.
New Kindle Paperwhite On It’s Way? – The paperwhite is out of stock. Are Amazon about to release a new version?
News we didn’t get a chance to discuss:
Smashwords “Interview Yourself” – Smashwords has a new sections for indie authors to interview themselves, opening them up to new readers. The posts will appear on the Smashwords site.
Amazon Tests Own Wireless Network – Amazon making a phone? Taking over the world? Who knows…but it could be awesome.
Story about Bill Watterson – Creator of Calvin & Hobbs, great article on the man, the myth and the comic. Check it out.
That’s it for another week. We hope to see you all again next Thursday night, live on the Roundtable.