

Our friends at the Self-Publishing Podcast have been busy with a little project on Kickstarter.

It’s called Fiction Unboxed.

The idea is that they are going to write a novel, in public, in thirty days.

They are going to show the world that stories are not sacred things that have to be slaved over forever alone. They are going to show you everything, from their emails, story meetings, rough drafts…. everything.

It sounded like a good idea to us. They were asking for $19,000 to fund the month long project.They had thirty days to earn that money.

They only needed 12 hours.

We’ll have the guys on to talk about the work that went into building this Kickstarter. The aftermath of it being funded so quickly. How other authors might look at using Kickstarter for projects in the future, and hopefully (if we can get Sean to talk for once) some news on what the stretch goals are going to be.

It’s also going to be a special episode for Dave as he co-hosts both shows.

I personally can’t wait for him to ask himself a question.

We’re going to try something new. Comment away in the live chat as normal, but we want to try having yours questions asked via Twitter @SPRoundtable and using the hashtag #SPRT. Let’s see if we can get this show trending worldwide! See you then.