
Welcome to the Roundtable Roundup, our sixth weekly podcast where we go back to our roots and have brought back the Roundtable aspect. Each Sunday (American time) we’ll invite a guest or two to join us live to discuss the latest news and views from the self-publishing and indie industry.

Onwards, to our sixth podcast…

Chrishaun Keller and Robert Chazz Chute joined Erica and special guest Chris Fox to discuss the below topics:

Scribd is limiting it’s unlimited subscription

Scribd has announced that it’s unlimited subscription will be moving to a limited subscription model. So for $8.99 a month you’ll be able to download 3 ebooks and one audiobook. You will have access to those downloads for as long as you are subscribed to Scribd and you can accumulate up to 9 ebooks a month if you let them rollover.
See the full story:

Science Fiction authors banding together to help you discover sci-fi!

Discover Sci-Fi is a venture between 10 sci fi authors (including but not limited to Nick Webb, Matthew Mather, Autumn Kalquist and Darren Wearmouth) who have banded together to offer contests, sneak peaks and inside looks into the writers’ processes as well as deals for discounted and free books. To kick off their site and to encourage readers to sign up to their mailing list they are giving away one free ebook and a chance to win 40 signed print books from the authors.

They’ve made their own version of Bookbub just for themselves. No word yet on if they plan to expand their empire to include other sci fi authors.
See the full story:

Amazon is not hiding reviews so stop freaking out!

You may have received an email from Night Owl Reviews telling you that Amazon is hiding ‘sensitive’ reviews and then providing instructions on how to stop it. Or you might have heard this secondhand on Kboards forums and freaked the fuck out. Well stop freaking the fuck out. It’s only hiding it on your profile, not on the actual product pages.
See the full story:

Reedsy launches its new Book Editor

Reedsy — a website that helps you craft a book online with the help of their editors — has announced the release of the first edition of their Reedsy Book Editor. A simplistic yet powerful writing platform and formatting tool. It’s like Scrivener and Word had cyber three-some with Gdoc’s and produced a baby that can utilise track changes, allow real-time use between co-authors (or an editor) and produce pretty exported docs that are ebook and print book ready.
See the full story:

Literary fiction mourns the loss of two epic authors

Umberto Eco, an Italian semiotics scholar in the  who became the author best selling, though massively intense medieval mystery The Name of the Rose, died on Friday at his home in Milan. He was 84.

Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird died on Friday in Monroeville, Alabama, where she lived. She was 89.


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See you next week!